Happy 2021 friends <3

I hope you all had a nice start to 2021. Our NYE celebration was a lot different this year - but not necessarily worse by any means. My husband and I made tacos, played games and enjoyed not having to decide who had to drive home from the festivities this year. If anything I think I prefer this quieter more introspective entry into the changing year, especially after everything that has happened recently.

I have to keep reminding myself however, that just because we’re leaving 2020 behind, doesn’t mean that everything will get magically better. I’m hopeful, but trying to stay rooted in reality too.

I’ve made a few little paintings over the break and am finishing up one larger work - but I spent the majority of time thinking about the direction I’ve been following for the last half of the previous year. It’s easy for me to get swept away by new marks and not question their purpose - so I’ve been taking lots of notes and considering the reasonings behind their placement and movement.

Again, really enjoying this quieter start to the year.


My Process; Photographing Work


A Change in Plans....