New Studio; A photodump of progress.
After 6 months of construction I was finally able to move into the new studio this weekend.
Thankfully the weather was such that we could prop the door open (really weird for December…) and just bring in boxes, furniture and of course, blankets and a bed for Chewy.
It’s not in it’s *completely* finished form, I’m still playing with lighting and tossing up the idea of building a few rolling walls for display - but I want to see how I use the space first.
The bottom floor will be painting/building stretcher bars/snacking area, the top floor will be storage, plants and a small space for small work. The upstairs also has a fun little windowed cubby, it’s a nice place to lay down and think. (For humans and puppies alike)
Once everything is in and I’ve got a good idea of the flow of the space I’ll do a studio tour of sorts. I’m just overjoyed to finally be in it. So ready to get back to work.

The Other Art Fair Chicago
Hello Chicago!
My booth was sad without a plant friend.
Booth #72
Nest / Solstice / Helena
What a great show.
Thanks so much to everyone who came out and said hello, bought a piece or took a postcard. I truly had the most wonderful time meeting everyone and getting to know so many great new artist friends.
The masking etiquette was superb BTW. Made me far more comfortable to hang out for 3 days.
New Studio Update
Work is underway at the new space.
The bathroom has been roughed out, plumbing started, insulation added upstairs and it’s feeling a little less like a garage and more like a workspace with each visit.
I feel like I’m in a whale’s belly, or an upturned viking ship.
It’s hard not to get too carried at this stage and start hitting all the area thrift store for furniture (I mean, there’s literally no where to store it anyway…) so I’m trying to rein in the excitement and focus on other tasks. It is hard though, this is literally a dream come true.
So instead of finding the perfect slouchy couch for brainstorming I’m going through all my supplies in the home studio and packing things up. Sidenote; Daily Harvest boxes are really sturdy and great for moving!
I’m still doing a few projects from here, but most things are headed to the temporary space for the time being.
Announcing; The Other Art Fair Chicago!!
I’m thrilled to announce my next show for 2021 will be in Chicago, exhibiting with The Other Art Fair. The fair will open on the 30th of September and runs through the evening of October 3rd.
Where I’m showing; Revel Fulton Market! This is a new venue for the Fair, but it looks pretty sweet. Booth numbers will be announced soon!
What I’m showing; NEW THINGS! I’ll be bringing a collection of work that stemmed from my experiments in lock-down; pared down materials, repetition of marks, contours inspired by my studio surroundings. I’ll have a few sneak peeks up on my instagram, so make sure to follow along to see the process.
COVID Precautions; Thus far it looks like there will be timed entries and mask requirements regardless of vaccination status (except at the outdoor bar)- so I’m feeling pretty good about my decision to attend.
I’ll have some codes for free entry to share soon, so if you’d like to attend make sure you’re on my email list for the code announcement!
Looking forward to seeing you!
Color & Contour - Show Recap
Opening night! (pre-storm)
I loved this room.
We had wind, rain, lost balloons, champagne, puppies, cheese and - art.
Color & Contour - About the Work
Many of these paintings had lives as other paintings. During the first days/weeks of the pandemic we were told to wipe down our groceries (remember that?) my canvas supply began to dwindle and I wasn’t sure how to safely replace it.
But I still needed to paint.
Out came old, unfinished or unsuccessful work that had been stored away. It was re-gessoed, added to, painted over, given a new/different life.
Marks had begun to emerge as my process shifted from one informed by what was outside of my studio, to one that existed purely within it’s four walls. I spent a lot of time making contour drawings of my immediate surroundings. No plant was safe from still-life set-ups.
These sweeping arm/wrist movements became familiar over time and carried through the various lockdowns, and when I could leave the studio again - remained.
Similarly, the colors that previously were taken from new environments and new places became extraordinarily localized. I found myself returning to the same plants, same shadows and these tones dominated much of the work.
I’ve broken down the process among several paper collections to give the viewer a look into these marks as they existed in my sketchbooks and provide a little more insight to the movement and colors explored on the canvas.
If you couldn’t make it, here’s a little photo recap. New work from the show hasn’t been listed for sale yet, but will be soon.
(Make sure you are a part of the VIP list to get first dibs when it goes live!)
The set-up.
I adore this space. LOOK AT ALL THESE PLANTS.
The show was so much fun and I am so incredibly grateful to everyone who made it out / sent good vibes from afar. Thank you all so much for spending some time with me talking about art and sharing what you saw in the work - it was just so wonderful to get to see you all after this strange and scary year!