Falling Leaves at Park Ave Studio

The Falling Leaves series was started on accident.

Since adopting our puppy back in June my time has been a bit jumbled, with the majority of it being spent training and playing - then going to commissions and my own explorations in paint last.

(Which was the plan -- I've waited my entire adult life to finally have a pup friend so I prepared to take time off.)

But I did need to keep making.

A few weeks back I started making contour sketches during our multiple daily walks of falling/fallen leaves. Iā€™d follow their movement as they spun in the air to the ground, draw the lines of their shapes as they curled in on themselves; nothing very in-depth, just a quick scribble in my sketchbook and we would move on.

After enough piled up I decided to take some of my favorites and transfer to paper, then added a few layers of color keeping to the original movement of the sketch.

And the series became a thing.

It was installed at Park Ave Studio on Main Street in Dexter.


Studio Organization and Storage for Small Spaces


Trying out the Derwent Inktense Blocks