Paintings EH Sherman Paintings EH Sherman

Falling Leaves at Park Ave Studio

The Falling Leaves series was started on accident.

Since adopting our puppy back in June my time has been a bit jumbled, with the majority of it being spent training and playing - then going to commissions and my own explorations in paint last.

(Which was the plan -- I've waited my entire adult life to finally have a pup friend so I prepared to take time off.)

But I did need to keep making.

A few weeks back I started making contour sketches during our multiple daily walks of falling/fallen leaves. I’d follow their movement as they spun in the air to the ground, draw the lines of their shapes as they curled in on themselves; nothing very in-depth, just a quick scribble in my sketchbook and we would move on.

After enough piled up I decided to take some of my favorites and transfer to paper, then added a few layers of color keeping to the original movement of the sketch.

And the series became a thing.

It was installed at Park Ave Studio on Main Street in Dexter.

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