Fieldtrip: University of Michigan Museum of Art

EH Sherman Art at UMMA

There is a special type of calm I experience in an art museum. The smell of old paint, the hushed tones of passer-bys, knowing I'm surrounded by old, masterful work, the gentle tapping of footsteps on marble floors... it all produces a silent awe within me.  While I love to explore museums in a group and hear what each individual gets out of the work, I also truly enjoy going by myself and just basking in the experience.

I had a few spare hours this afternoon and the temperature was absolutely perfect for a walk, so I headed over to the University of Michigan Museum of Art.

EH Sherman at UMMA
EH Sherman Art at UMMA

First off, it's an incredible building. (As referenced by how many graduates were getting their photos taken in and around the building!) The art is a smattering of different geographical and historical collections; European, American, African, Asian, Contemporary, Design, rotating exhibits... it's a wonderful assortment of powerful work.

I unfortunately only arrived about an hour before closing, so I did a speedwalk through the museum and I know I missed a few rooms. I plan to return next week for a more in-depth visit.

Rauschenberg - aquatint print

Rauschenberg - aquatint print

Tracey Emin

Tracey Emin

Joan Mitchell

Joan Mitchell

Helen Frankenthaler

Helen Frankenthaler

I could have spent days here and I'm so grateful to have such a fantastic museum so close. My plan is to come back and sit on the bench below the Frankenthaler for a few hours and just think... and then get to the rooms I missed today <3

Do you have a favorite museum in your city? Whats your favorite part about it? 


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