Coming Soon; Studio Clear Out Sale!
I started planning this sale back in April when it was beginning to be apparent that a move to California was on the horizon. I envisioned it as a last hurrah in my studio, pulling out old, new and never released work to be sold before packing our lives into moving boxes and starting our cross-country drive.
As much fun as all that chaos sounds, I am grateful for a few more months to slowly organize and pack, and the chance to still hold the sale - but on a much less rigid schedule.
I’ve been slowly categorizing, photographing and organizing work for the past few weeks, and should be able to announce the start of the sale sometime in July.
As with all sales, the email subscribers get the first look and chance to purchase - so make sure you’re signed up for the emails and keep your eyes peeled for more info coming soon!
How I choose items for Still Life set-ups (COVID edition)
On Sunday (May 31st) I’ll be on instagram live for another round of Studio Still Life Sessions. Just like last month’s session I’ll set up the still life on Saturday and take a few photos from a few different view points and upload them here. Feel free to work off these, or set up your own still life and work alongside everyone! All levels and disciplines of artists welcome!
If you’re interested in setting up your own still life (either Sunday or any other day!) - I thought I might share a little bit on how I go about finding the objects I use, during a time when I can’t exactly run out to our nearest thrift store or my favorite place, The Scrapbox.
Shopping my Basement
Even though we moved into this house almost 3 years ago, there are still a few plastic bins that are untouched in the basement. They still have the little sticker on them and everything. I like using these as places to start, because I’ve quite literally forgotten whats inside. It could be Christmas stuff (I KNOW there is a bin of plastic garland somewhere down there…) old sketchbooks, gardening tools… it’s an absolute toss up. I’ll pick a bin, commit to finding 2 -3 items and make those work.
Having someone else pick
This can be as simple as entrusting your still life to a family member or roommate, or as complicated as assigning numbers to a whole bunch of objects and letting someone (or random number generator online) pick what gets used. It all depends on how you want the final set up to look - people will tend to naturally choose items that look ‘nice’ together - so if you’re avoiding that, try the random aspect!
Think of a theme!
Themes can be handy when trying to create a still life. The more freedom you give yourself when picking objects, the less planned the table will look in the end. Choose a color and find things in your space that are that color, or shape, or texture; this can be a really neat way of examining certain truths behind surfaces and designs.
Curbside Treasures:
If you’ve got gloves and some time, consider checking your local ‘free’ item site, and see what’s being left out on the curb. I’ve found a few fun lamp bases and baskets that I’ve used in my setups a few times. I realize that this is slightly different in the time of a pandemic, so if you do go this route remember to wear gloves, sanitize the item and wear a mask if you think you’ll come into contact with people!
This is what I’m starting with - can anyone guess the theme?
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Studio Update (in Photos!)
I hope everyone is doing alright in this lockdown.
I’ve been working away in the studio, though with the move looming above us I’m a bit more focused on finishing up old pieces and less enticed to start anything new. We haven’t heard any word about a moving date yet, but as I’m not super anxious to get into a situation where we’d need to move immediately and none of my work is packed up - I’ve been taking inventory and doing a lot of ‘pre-packing’ if you will.
So for now, here’s a quick update of some cool things happening in my space!
My friends wrote a book!!!!!!!
The Motherhood of Art by Marissa Huber and Heather Kirtland came out on April 28th. If you follow their Carve out Time for Art community on instagram you’re familiar with their message, about staying creative and carving out time for art. I can’t wait to read about the artists featured in the book and see what these two lovely humans have put together. Purchase it here!
I am still in love with working on these roll canvases. That’s all <3
A ‘junior’ curator over at Jenner McGinn Studios picked my Wood Study to be a part of this collection! Pop over to the site to purchase.
Again, hope you all are doing alright in this strange time. Much love!
Moving to California! (+addendum on 6/18/20)
Well I have a little bit of an announcement — looks like we’re moving to California!
My husband has taken a new job in the Palo Alto area (and I’m so excited for him!) so we’ll be packing up and heading out there when his office gives him the all clear.
What that means for my work:
All local work in shops and galleries will stay here, as my lovely studio assistant will handle inquiries and purchases.
My shop (and a few pieces available in various galleries) will be on a shipping hiatus for a few weeks as we move. Our plan is to take a little road trip across the country with Chewy - so it will be easily 2 weeks before I’m set up in a studio and able to ship again. When I know exactly when that will be I’ll make an announcement so you can order before we leave town.
New things! New colors! I’m so excited to learn a new space and see what happens on the canvas.
In light of all this, I’ll be hosting a Studio Clean Out Sale / live open studio soon. I’m not super excited to pack up all my work and put it on a moving truck to CA, and I’ve got a fair amount of other pieces I haven’t even released yet - so I’ll put everything together and do a virtual clean out of sorts. Once everything is up on my site for purchase I’ll announce a live walkthrough of my space, you can ask about seeing work up close or mediums used, inspiration… think of it as an open studio - from afar.
Once I have dates for everything I’ll make sure to get the word out.
I’m looking forward to new patterns, new horizons, being by the ocean again and putting these into paint - though Ann Arbor will always have my heart.
Here’s to adventure!
June 18th 2020 Addendum!!!!!!
Well, less panic about moving is always a good thing, I guess.
Looks like we’re not going anywhere anytime soon. We knew there would be a delay in when he would be required to go to the new office given the COVID 19 situation - but we weren’t imagining this long of a delay. Turns out no one is going back in until January, so we’re hanging tight.
I’m glad this is the case, less panic to move, less worry for my husbands safety/exposure in an office, more time to prep for the studio sale!
And yes, the studio sale is still happening, more details to come soon!
Studio Still Life Sessions
I’ve had such a wonderful response to the live workshop/Q+A’s/hangout times I’ve been holding on instagram, so thank you all for joining in these last few weeks! It’s a been a nice bright spot to talk with you all in the midst of some really scary, strange times.
You may have been present for a Sunday afternoon last week when I hosted a live still life event on instagram, and I’m excited to announce that this session will now be held monthly on the last Sunday of the month at 3 pm EST!
For each session I’ll set up a still life in my studio; some will have themes, some will focus on a certain line or movement, some will be more abstract and some less so. Ideally there will be something for everyone to work from.
Once it is set up I’ll have photos from multiple angles uploaded here, so you can draw with me, set up your own still life, or simply come hang out. I always enjoy seeing what people make during these — so feel free to add your setups, sketches or what-have-you to #studiostilllife!
Here’s an example from @mjenkins_art;
I love how multi-layered her set-up is, the addition of the mirror would make for some really neat play with reflections too!
The next live still life will be happening on Sunday, May 31st at 3pm est - I’d love to see you there!
A few shots from the last event:
No RSVP or anything required, just mark your calendar, stay tuned the day before to see the uploaded photos (unless you are making your own still life) and join in.