Studio Update (in Photos!)

EH Sherman Art Studio

I hope everyone is doing alright in this lockdown.

I’ve been working away in the studio, though with the move looming above us I’m a bit more focused on finishing up old pieces and less enticed to start anything new. We haven’t heard any word about a moving date yet, but as I’m not super anxious to get into a situation where we’d need to move immediately and none of my work is packed up - I’ve been taking inventory and doing a lot of ‘pre-packing’ if you will.

So for now, here’s a quick update of some cool things happening in my space!


My friends wrote a book!!!!!!!

The Motherhood of Art by Marissa Huber and Heather Kirtland came out on April 28th. If you follow their Carve out Time for Art community on instagram you’re familiar with their message, about staying creative and carving out time for art. I can’t wait to read about the artists featured in the book and see what these two lovely humans have put together. Purchase it here!

Roll canvas - EH Sherman

I am still in love with working on these roll canvases. That’s all <3

Jenner McGinn Studios!

A ‘junior’ curator over at Jenner McGinn Studios picked my Wood Study to be a part of this collection! Pop over to the site to purchase.

Again, hope you all are doing alright in this strange time. Much love!


How I choose items for Still Life set-ups (COVID edition)


Moving to California! (+addendum on 6/18/20)