Makers Magazine Issue 1 has arrived!

Ellen Sherman Abstract Watercolor for Makers Movement Magazine

A few months back I was approached with the incredibly exciting opportunity to create a few paintings and write a corresponding little article about my time in Barcelona (specifically spent in the gardens) and how it shaped my artistic path and vision.

Issue # 1 of the Makers Magazine was released this week, and I am over the moon with excitement. The paper is beautiful, the publication is laid out gorgeously and I could not be more honored to be included in this creation.

I won't spoil the innards of the magazine (you can still purchase it here!) but it is just a wonderful collection of stories, works and images from some incredible makers all across the globe.

Like I said, *so* honored to be included.

Cloud 9 over here.


Makers Magazine - Issue 1
Ellen Sherman in Makers Magazine
Ellen Sherman in Makers Magazine
Ellen Sherman Makers Magazine


#artistonvacation -- Chile!


New Work :: Stratum