Rostrum 312 - Chicago Show

Oh hey Chicago - long time no see!

I was in Chicago for the weekend for the show with Rostrum 312 and wow, what a party.

Like, we broke the fire code party.

In my excitement to get there for the install I completely forgot about the time change from Michigan to Illinois. So. I showed up far, far too early. Which was fine. I found the venue, parked and got a bowl of rice and spicy avocado. (And wine)

After the install I ventured into downtown, the sky was full-on Bladerunner.

The following morning I had all to myself, so I popped into the Art Institute of Chicago to see an O’Keefe that has been on my heart since my husband has started his private pilot’s license training.

I’m a very nervous flyer and I’m working on re-aligning those pathways in my brain to something positive so I can go with him and not have a meltdown in turbulence. I’ll compile my thoughts on that elsewhere - but this painting is one I desperately wanted to see to start off this journey.


The show was a blast. I got to meet so many incredible people and have so many amazing conversations about the work, materials, and just art in general. I adore the Rostrum model of taking empty storefronts and converting them into gallery space for a time, and it was so thrilling to see the members of the community hop on the board and turn out in droves.

So much so, that we exceeded the fire code for allowable people in the gallery at one point and a line for entry had to form. And then it went down the block apparently.

The only downside was the amount of photos I was able to take - I ended up so busy that there were not many to share at the end. But I’ll have the memories though, and they are fantastic.

Thanks to all who showed up for the event or supported me from afar and huge thanks to the Rostrum312 team and those who took home work! If you purchased one of my pieces I’d love to see where it ends up hanging - send me a message <3

I’ll be back for sure, thanks again for the great time Chicago!


Art Auction for Vyshyvanka Day


A Quick Trip to the St. Louis Art Museum