Holiday Updates


Happy December everyone!

Just thought I’d pop in with a few holiday updates:


Due to a HUGE influx of packages FedEx and USPS are both recommending all non-rush orders are shipped by December 11th. If you’re looking to pay the regular shipping fee, then definitely make sure you have your art in your cart before then.


November 30th-December 30th: I’ve got two pieces in a group show at David Jones Gallery out in Kansas City, MO. I unfortunately won’t be in attendance (limiting travel) but I’m sure it will be a great event. 

December 4th-December 6th: I am so excited to be participating in York Ann Arbor/StudioStudio Winter Art Fair. It will be outside, masked and distanced and I have great faith in the team over there to provide a safe environment for the attendee and the artists. I’ll have prints (and originals weather permitting) If you’re local this is a great chance to pick up an original without having to worry about shipping! Send me a message if there’s a specific piece you are interested in and I’ll make sure to put it in the lineup of work to bring.

In other news the new site launch is *ahem* a bit delayed. But it’s coming. Soon. Slowly. To pick up new work that’s not on my site check out Jenner McGinn Studios and RedDot Culture.  (and follow them on social media so you don’t miss out on sales!)


A Change in Plans....


9 new paintings at RedDot Culture! Tomorrow!