Baltic Adventure Part 2; Art Museums and Sketches
Work by Elina Autio
Today we visited a few art museums, ate some beets and I got some time to sketch. A few of my favorite things <3
We started out at Taidehall, a smaller museum but focused on young emerging artists. These wood pieces by Elina Autio were immediate favorites.
From there, we moved onto Kiasma which was a huge, beautiful place. On the top floor was an exhibit I’ve been hoping to see for awhile, by Shoplifter.
It was amazing.
If you get a chance ABSOLUTELY go see this installation.
When we got back to the hotel there was a bit of time before heading off to find dinner, so I thought I’d make a few sketches based off our time at the museums.
I’m using my Caran d’Ache water-soluble pastels (really great for working while traveling!) on squares of 12 oz Dixie pro-series cotton canvas from Fredrix Canvas.
I looked through the photos I had taken earlier today and wanted to pull out the colors that spoke to me and combine them. I built up layers on the canvas, letting some parts dry and some parts stay wet and just kept adding pigment until I was satisfied.
Then I spent the next 20 minutes positioning them around our hotel room trying to find decent light, only to discover it was in the bathroom. Note to other traveling artists - when looking for good lighting, check the bathroom first!