Announcements EH Sherman Announcements EH Sherman

New Workshop! Creating a Daily Art Practice: Sketching with Graphite

On February 12th I’ll be presenting a workshop at Literati (in partnership with the Ann Arbor Art Center) here in Ann Arbor on how using water-soluble graphite can help develop a daily process.

Together we’ll work on a few of the exercises I use and I’ll share some of the ways I work with the graphite.

Materials are included ( a handmade sketchbook and your own stick of graphite!) in the ticket price.

I’d love to see you there!

Click here to register.

EH Sherman Event at Literati

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Art Business EH Sherman Art Business EH Sherman

On Art and Writing (and how I know to re-write my artist statement)

EH Sherman all the books

I’ve never been able to carry small bags. I’ve always looked longingly at small clutches and petite crossbody bags, but the reality is I just can’t ever use them - I carry too many books.

I’ve mentioned that I always have multiple sketchbooks on my person (here’s a list of other posts with some of them) but in addition to those, I also always carry a dedicated notebook/journal.

Which is why those cute little bags will never be a possibility for me; my bag destiny lies in big totes and backpacks.

EH Sherman Sketchbooks in my backpack

I’ve always kept a journal of some sorts. When I was younger these journals focused on the day to day, when I traveled I would document where we would go and what we would do, and when I painted - I’d write about painting.

When it started;

I began the writing about my art part a long time ago when I was frustrated with everything that I was making. I couldn’t describe to anyone else why I wasn’t happy with my work, so I tried taking a few pages to tell myself why I wasn’t happy with my work. It ended up taking a few more pages than that, but I was able to see where I was going wrong and where I wanted my work to go - and why it wasn’t there yet.

It was a bit of a ‘eureka’ moment for me, and I’ve continued to make this a layer in my art process ever since.

Why I Still do it;

If I’m starting a painting with a nebulous idea, before I start sketching I’ll take a few minutes to write about that idea. It doesn’t have to be complete sentences or make sense to anyone other than me. Sometimes it’s just words, or jumbled thoughts, but I always find myself going back and underlining certain words, maybe crossing others out, and through that process I end up distilling the idea into something a little bit more concrete. Then I move to my sketchbook.

It’s also helpful for me if I don’t have any ideas but am itching to paint. Rather than just start throwing paint around and potentially wasting materials (though, I do this sometimes too…) I’ll sit and record some streams of consciousness. I may not think I have any ideas to paint from, but usually through a bit of writing to myself something will bubble up to the surface and I’ve got a place to start.

Another reason I keep up this practice is for my customers. Buying an original piece of artwork usually stems from a connection to the piece. Be it the color, movement, title sometimes - there is something that wiggles it’s way into the heart of the buyer and stays. When someone is interested in a piece and is looking to know more I can flip back through the pages of my book and provide additional indepth details about the painting’s inception.

Titles! This is often how I narrow down the title of a painting. Words will pop up as I work and I write them down here, giving me a list to choose from.


However, the most important reason for me to write about what I paint is my Artist Statement. Re-reading what I’ve written can greatly inform the status of my statement and in the past has even written it for me. I use these pages to check in and make sure my statement is correct and that it is the place I’m actively working from, as well as a marker for noting if my work is moving away from that. If there are words that come up regularly, that I feel like speak to the nature of my work I’ll factor those in and build the statement around these tidbits. As an artist who formerly hated the whole statement writing/revising process, this has made that process painless and definitely more truthful.


What I write with: *Note; some of these links are affiliate links

  • My current notebook is a Shinola book. I’ve used Pentalic books, random blanks, anything and everything.

  • My pens; I love the Pilot Plumix collection. I use all three of the nib sizes and I adore the lines and letters I can make.

  • Currently I use only blue ink. I think it’s ingrained from childhood - I loved looking through my dad’s notebooks and and he also tends to use blue. 

What about you? Does writing factor into your art process at all?

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Prints EH Sherman Prints EH Sherman

New Print Alert; Blush Response!

EH Sherman Blush Response print

Blush Response (30 x 40 - available) was one of my favorite paintings from last year. And getting hi-res images made of the work have been on my list of to-dos for a very long time.

The stars aligned last week and I was able to get some photos taken and prints are FINALLY ready to go!

Blush Response is available is three sizes, 5 x 7, 8.5 x 11 and 11 x 14. I can create larger versions (up to 30 x40) so contact me if you want a bigger print.

EH Sherman Blush Response Prints
EH Sherman Blush Response Prints on wall
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Art Business EH Sherman Art Business EH Sherman

Happy 2020!


Happy 2020!!

I hope this new year greets you with warmth and many fun creative endeavors on the horizon.

I’m taking a few more days off to see family, work on house projects, eat too much food and paint without a goal. The shop and commissions will reopen on January 6th.

In the meantime, I thought I might share a few of the goals/focuses I have set for 2020.

Every year on the 1st I take some time to myself to brainstorm my hopes and dreams for the coming year and to dig into the numbers from the year past. I do this partially to just stay organized - but also to make sure I spend the first day of the new year in a headspace that will influence how the next 365 days are experienced.

I divide these into ‘goals’ which have a concrete, measurable way to determine if I have achieved them or not, and ‘hopes’ which are judged by more feelings/emotions.

Goals for 2020 //

  • I want to update/rearrange our office area - end of January.

    • Right now our office feels very thrown together, because it was, and it just doesn’t give off any productive vibes. I’m looking to foster a more professional environment in this space.

  • Monthly newsletter

    • I’ve got fun activities/contests/giveaways planned for the subscriber list for the majority of the year, and I’m just excited to grow a smaller more personal community via the newsletter.

  • Apply to 50% more shows and events throughout the year.

    • I am thrilled I was able to be a part of so many shows last year, and I’m looking for a bit more of a challenge for 2020. For every show I apply to, I’m going to find one more.

  • Spend 1 day every month photographing and cataloging new work.

    • This is a big one. I love the creation aspect of my work - not necessarily the business part. But I can’t have one without the other, so setting aside real time to photograph and add work to my site would be immensely helpful.

  • Build basement studio - Spring 2020/

    • I’d love to have a bit more space for multiple projects, large work or a group painting session. We have a space in our very, very unfinished basement that would be perfect for this - I just need to get to work painting and building walls.

Hopes for 2020 //

  • More house progress!

  • Learn basic woodworking

  • Stay on top of short-term goals and emails.

So happy 2020 again, thank you all for being here and best wishes for an amazing year!!

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Art Show EH Sherman Art Show EH Sherman

December at the Ann Arbor Distilling Co

This December I’ll have new work on display and available for purchase at the amazing Ann Arbor Distilling Co!

Opening night was December 6th, and it was a great event. Thanks to everyone who came out and who joined in from afar by watching the stories and videos I posted to instagram. (I tried to do a facebook live moment, but had some technical difficulties. Next time!)

If you can’t make out to the show here are a few photos from the space. If you’re interested in any of the work send me a message and I’ll let you know what is still available.

When in Rome and Parhelion. Unstretched canvas, framed.

When in Rome and Parhelion. Unstretched canvas, framed.

Hanging Behind the Clouds.

Hanging Behind the Clouds.

Colorado Color Study i and II, waiting to be up on the walls.

Colorado Color Study i and II, waiting to be up on the walls.

Opening night!

Opening night!

And remember! during this opening weekend I’m also taking 15% of every sale and donating it to the Huron Valley Humane Society. This shelter takes in hundreds of animals, locally and from across the US and gives them a new chance and a home and a family. They do incredible work. It’s also where we found our little puppy - and I’ll be forever grateful.

Let me know if you make it over to the show! They make some AMAZING drinks there too, I’d love to know what you tried <3

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